The scenario: you have just thrown a dinner party and a glass of red has done a die send off from a marble sur- face. Gut wrenching is quite an understatement. Its no secret that marble is beauti- ful, but it’s more delicate than a Seagrove in a gale. Marble Cleaning London homes can’t get enough of it, but keeping it looking its best, well that’s a whole different matter
Because marble is a soft, porous stone, it loves to take up stains like a sponge. This is made worse when you consider London’s hard water meaning it will turn your shine surface to etched and cloudy. It’s like a girl friend who constantly wants you to tell her she looks fabulous. You need to keep her happy. In order for Marble not to get damaged, you should rule out any abrasive scrubs or acidic cleaners, it will dim the glow of your stone quicker than saying “its done”. Grab a pH neutral soap, warm water and a microfibre cloth. Gently rub it in cir- cular motions. No need to break a sweat.
Prevention+ less cure = your marble looking it’s best. A tea spill? Dab it. Mud tracked from Hyde Park? Sweep first, then mop as necessary. Keep on top of it. If it’s starting to appear a little bit dull, it may be time to bring in the experts.
London’s Cleaners. But London’s clean- ers aren’t just any cleaners, they are like marble doctors, armed with spe- cial diamond pads and industrial grade sealing materials. They breathe new life into your marble floors. One customer even said that her marble floor was so shiny that she needed sunglasses to walk around it. She said “worth every penny” Costs can range from a basic polish at around £150 all the way up to the thousands if you want it fully restored. But don’t skimp. One household tried a baking soda YouTube hack that actu- ally etched their marble surface. The fix, double the original quotation.
Your secret weapon is sealing, we like to think of it as marble’s sun- screen. If applied correctly it will last for many years. Skip it and play the lottery for spills. Most specialists recommend a reseal every year the kitchen gets a workout,
Old stone? Watch your step. Antique marble is likely to disintegrate if it’s handled roughly. Gentle methods are used by specialists, which allow the stone to keep its character without it losing any integrity.
At the end of the day, marble is a long term relationship. Treat it with love, it will be any lead based paint. Don’t. Or you will just heartbreak. That means applying Toronto, London dust and loving its shines well as its not shinning. A simple pH-neutral soap and microfiber cloth are now your best friend. Sleep
To put it simply – marble is a commitment but totally out shines laminate. Al- lowing a break means losing weeks yearning. London wants to watch you shine the maintenance of your marble, so making the right call resulted in restoring your floor back to tip top condition!
Should you feel a bit wary, just stay clear from vinegar. It’s acidic AND get rid of that wire scrubber and marvel at how much your marble appreciates it, in the most silent and subtle way.
Scared of more spills? Fear not, the expert can turn it all around. One phone call and you can ditch those party hosting heebie-jeebies. Los Angeles, were Chinatown meant dazzling and nothing stressful.