The last time you saw a whale leap so high was five years ago. You told yourself, “It’s really something strange to see whale.” However, whilst whales aren’t fish, the sight of them showing all these animal aspects can only be described as unbelievable. Lahaina, on Maui’s west coast offers a resting point to these enormous sea creatures. From December to April every year, humpback whales swim into the pacific ocean waters off Maui, making a huge natural theater of this place. If you’re looking for best maui whale watching, visit us!
Imagine you are aboard a tour boat, the wind carrying a saline fragrance plays with your hair. And—as fast as a crackle of thunder— a whale bursts through from the ocean’s surface, plashing and beating a dance of mingled strength and elegance out before your very eyes. This is the perfect shot to take and return later as a memory of these mammoth sea creatures in their natural state.
There are some organisations who provide educational and caring trips for the traveler of heart. Never imagined you’d be in one of those nature TV shows? Well, here’s your chance. The experience is usually a bit more intimate and perhaps even more thrilling with smaller operators like Redline Rafting and Tours since their small boats as many people as five instead of twenty. Without a large number of passengers, encounters seem more intimate and at times scarier as well.
Over 300 whales make seasonal accommodations in Maui. It is said that “whales are nature’s great masterpieces”. Their wonderful performances make us feel glad to be alive (if only for just this moment).
Before going on this aquatic adventure, take down sunscreen. It will keep your skin from burning into a cooked lobster for one thing. Binoculars can help you see deeper into the ocean blue. And remember, two thing needs not to be rushed in watching for whales: it is both calming and satisfying.
So next time someone tells you that they’re having a “eleven out of ten” holiday, suggest to them that they come whale watching at Lahaina instead. And see how far those green-eyed monsters don’t appearl!